Non-Toxic Living Myths BUSTED, Supporting Your Liver For Optimal Health, & A Live Q+A

My number one goal and mission with Holistic With Heidi is to make non-toxic living easy and accessible.

I’ve been on the non-toxic journey a while now after healing myself from a complex environmental illness. You can listen to my full story on Episode 12 of Lifelong Podcast. The journey of shifting to a lower/non-toxic lifestyle over the years has been extremely humbling for me. Heck, I started this lifestyle when I was just a sophomore in college (2015) just trying to do anything to feel better. It was a slow transition, but over the past seven years I’ve come a long way. I am sharing this with you to inspire you to push through this journey because it is 100% worth it. You get to a point where you’re not turning back. You feel so good and full of life that you wonder how you got by before going non-toxic.

The reality is, humans have never faced so many toxic chemicals. From personal care products, to cleaning products, to the clothing we wear, the food we eat and the water we drink — the toxic exposures are endless. HOWEVER, we are in control of so much and just by making small changes to reduce our toxic exposures, our body, mind, and spirit reaps the rewards. This lifestyle is absolutely worth it. Did you know there are endless studies showing that just how making lower toxic switches like ditching BPA bottles or changing personal care products (plus so much more,) the toxic levels in peoples urine, sweat, and blood dramatically lower?

I encourage you to listen in to this episode to hear the top 5 non-toxic living myths get busted. As an added bonus, you’ll also learn about ways to support your liver and have your burning questions get answered.

So, what do you say? Give ‘er a listen on all major steaming platforms or simply click here.


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