Allergy Friendly Living and Understanding MCAS with Lauren Less

One of the best feelings ever is connecting with someone IRL after being online pals for a while. That’s the case for Lauren Less (@lesswithlaur) and me. We found out that we both live in the Chicago area and met up for coffee at a favorite spot of mine, Oromo Cafe, at the end of last year.

Like me, Lauren has gone through her own personal healing journey. In fact, she was quite familiar with mold illness herself! She has created a niche community online helping those with allergies live an allergy friendly life. I absolutely loved what she stood for and the informative content she was creating and just HAD to bring her on LIFELONG.

Our episode went live a few months back and it’s still such a goodie. We talked in-depth about food allergies and MCAS and how those tie in with low toxic living and longevity! We also talked about the histamine bucket and her experience swapping out products. She, too, is a non-toxic living fanatic!

Lauren recently launched her weekly meal prep and grocery list email blast which I’ve been loving. I was also super pumped to see my Maple Roasted Carrots get shouted out. She is the QUEEN of allergy-friendly recipes too so peep her blog. Like, seriously, try making her Dairy-Free Creamy Macadamia Nut Pesto!

It’s such an honor being able to connect and interview brilliant minds and kind souls like Lauren.

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