10 Ways To Heal Acne Naturally

After a nearly decade-long battle with acne, I've explored various avenues to find relief. In my journey towards healing my acne naturally, I discovered crucial insights that debunk common misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, acne isn't a hygiene issue; it requires delving into the root causes that trigger skin inflammation. Recognizing the skin as our body's largest organ, I've come to understand that addressing acne necessitates a comprehensive two-pronged approach—tackling it both topically and internally, with the latter being of paramount importance. Join me as I unravel the intricacies of healing acne holistically and share valuable lessons from my personal quest for clear, healthy skin.

  1. Playing with my diet:

    1. Avoiding seed oils

    2. Bringing meat back into my diet (grass fed/finished, ethical, pasture raised)

    3. Bringing [raw] dairy back into my diet (fresh and full of essential enzymes and nutrients for glowing skin!)

  2. Switching to non-toxic skincare and makeup (ideally with limited pore clogging ingredients)

    1. Clearstem is my favorite skincare (Gentleclean cleanser, Clearity and Bounceback serums)

    2. 100% Pure and Kosas are my favorite foundation brands

  3. Addressing mold, parasites (most everyone has them🫢), and other root causes.

    1. Pathogens in the body will throw your hormones out of whack, cause inflammation, deplete you from nutrients, and other crazy things to mess with your complexion

  4. Detoxification tools like Coffee Enemas and Infrared Sauna

    1. To address pathogens

    2. Our world has never been this toxic, so staying on top of detoxification is game-changing

  5. Haircare swaps—realizing the relationship between scalp and skin health

    1. Non-toxic products of course, but going a step further and using products that are also free of pore clogging ingredients (Necessaire or Zuma are my favorites)

    2. Using less conditioner during periods of break outs

    3. Avoiding showering with super hot water as this strips the skin

  6. Acceptance

    1. What you resist persists. It took a while but I grew to become comfortable with skin imperfections. Positive emotions radiate and make you glow.

    2. Realizing everyone has things about themselves that make them self-conscious

    3. Acne is common and what you see on Instagram is a lie. FaceTune and filters are harming people’s self-esteem

  7. Stopped wearing makeup daily

    1. Only acne girlies will understand the struggle of needing to wear face makeup every single day

    2. Piggybacking off of acceptance, I became comfortable being barefaced which let my skin breathe and heal

    3. I only started doing this in 2023, there were a lot of emotional blocks I had to release around having to appear “perfect”!

  8. Drinking and bathing in filtered water

    1. 320+ chemicals in tap water, absorbed by our skin daily, can dehydrate and harm, particularly affecting facial skin, as numerous studies reveal

    2. We have an AquaBliss shower filter and Filterbaby sink filter

    3. Switched our drinking water to Mountain Valley Spring which is free of toxins and filled with minerals that contribute to a radiant complexion

  9. Prioritizing lymphatic health

    1. Implementing Dr. Perry Nickelston’s Big 6 daily protocol works wonders

    2. Having a rebounding or dry brushing routine is helpful

    3. Lymphatic massage on the face and neck to ensure toxins are flowing and not getting clogged

  10. Swapping to non-toxic fabrics, detergents, and products throughout my home

    1. The lower your toxic burden, the happier your hormones, the happier your hormones, the happier your skin

I've tried numerous approaches over the years to keep my skin in check, steering clear of potent pharmaceuticals like spironolactone, antibiotics, and Accutane. I can honestly attest that the top 10 things responsible for clearing my skin are the ones you just read.

If you're grappling with skin issues, remember you're not alone in this struggle, and natural healing is possible. Maybe you're fortunate to have acne-free skin, but perhaps someone you know could benefit from these tips. Feel free to spread the word so that these game-changing tips aren't kept under wraps.

In my latest podcast episode, I not only share these acne-healing tips but also discuss the acne 'cures' that aren't worth the hype, money, or time. Tune in to episode 82 of Lifelong, 'What Truly Healed My Acne & How You Can Get Flawless Skin Naturally.'


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